• Parabaas
    Parabaas : পরবাস : বাংলা ভাষা, সাহিত্য ও সংস্কৃতি
  • পরবাস | Translation | Poem
  • A truth Bound Sentiment : Sunil Gangopadhyay
    translated from Bengali to English by Sheila Sengupta

    This hand has touched Neera's face,
    could I use this hand to commit a sin,
    ever again?
    In the late evening glow
    swathing the hanging balcony,
    a 'daring' light had fallen on her face,
    and like a telegram,
    had instantly revealed Neera's grace!
    A hint of a smile had merged
    on her brows and eyes,
    or was it the shine of mica-fines?
    At such times,
    I so long to call that lady, just a 'babe'.
    I raise my right hand
    and with my muscles flexed,
    I whisper to myself --
    'Be worthy of her,
    Be worthy and rise'
    I touch Neera's chin --
    This hand has touched Neera's face,
    could I use this hand to commit a sin,
    ever again?

    These lips have told Neera,
    'I love you', once,
    could a deceit play on these lips
    ever again?
    Coming down the steps
    I remember, all of a sudden,
    that the most important words
    were yet to be said!
    A breeze from the alien shores
    would one day, soon,
    carry this lady away
    as nimble and graceful as a swan!
    And the stairs would all give way
    to the surge of a sudden quake!
    I stop,
    and look deep into Neera's eyes ...
    I realize,
    love is such an ardent pledge,
    a deep emotional bondage,
    and a sentiment bound in truth.
    My eyes begin to burn ...
    standing on the steps,
    these lips had told Neera,
    'I love you', once,
    could a deceit play on these lips,
    ever again?

    Published in Parabaas May 5,2002

    The original poem [satyabaddha abhimaan] appeared in the collection of poems satyabaddha abhimaan*, first published in the Bengali year 1380 (ca.~ 1974). This translation is reprinted, with permission, from Murmur in the Woods.

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