• Parabaas
    Parabaas : পরবাস : বাংলা ভাষা, সাহিত্য ও সংস্কৃতি
  • পরবাস | Rabindranath Tagore | Poem
  • The murderous night advances : Rabindranath Tagore
    translated from English to Bengali by Naina Dey

    The murderous night advances with stealthy steps—
    Shattering the fragile barricade of the infirm frame
    Entering the soul,
    Robbing it off the graceful pride of life.
    The mind surrenders to the assault of gloom.
    As the shame of defeat, the humiliation of ennui intensify,
    There suddenly appears in the horizon
    Day’s ensign, etched with rays of gold,
    A voice is heard from some distant corner of the skies
    Crying out ‘Sham, sham.’
    In the joyful light of dawn
    I see my own image triumphant in sorrow
    At the summit of the ruined fortress of my being.

    - The original poem is from Arogya, No.7.
    - Udayan February 3, 1941 Afternoon
    - Published in Parabaas August, 2010 (22-she Sraban, 1417)

    অলংকরণ (Artwork) : Nilanjana Basu
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